Pima County: Art
Discover the Art of Tuscon. This page lists links to art organization. Subcategories list local galleries, crafts, music and local artists.
- Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural Alliance (www.saaca.org) - review
SAACA supports arts in Southern Arizona. The site lists local programs and events.
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft (Profile)
Jo-Ann is a primary source for craft supplies. They carry gear and material for sewing, quilting, kitting, and craft projects. Jo-Ann has stores at 3906 Oracle Road and 7255 East Broadway in Tucson.
- Arizona Art Supply (www.arizonaartsupply.com)
Find paints, brushes, easels, canvas and drawing supplies at Arizona Art Supply. The Tucson store is at 4343 North Oracle Road.
- Color Me Mine (www.tucson.colormemine.com)
Paint your own pottery at the Color Me Mine franchise in the Park Place Mall.
- Tucson Poetry Festival (www.tucsonpoetryfestival.org)
An annual celebration of verse.
- Casa Libre en la Solana (www.casalibre.org)
A group with resources for writers in the Tucson area.
- Storyteller Arizona (www.storyworksgroup.com) - review
Glenda Bonin hosts story workshops and performances.
- University of Arizona Poetry Center (poetry.arizona.edu)
The University of Arizona Poetry Center | The University of Arizona Poetry Center provides resources promoting reading and writing of poetry.
- Tucson Festival of Books (tucsonfestivalofbooks.org)
The Tucson Festival of books is an annual literary festival.
- Medicine Man Gallery (www.medicinemangallery.com)
Medicine Man Gallery, by Mark Sublette offers a variety of Native American and Western Art.
- TucsonStage Blog (tucsonstage.blogspot.com)
The Tucson Stage blog has posts on local performing arts and maintains Tucson Theatre Announcements.
- Fox Tucson Theatre - (foxtucson.com)
The Fox Tucson Theatre presents a stream of performing arts and musical events.
- Pocket Sketching (pocketsketching.com) - review
Kath Macaulay has developed a system for creating quick water color sketches. You can carry the materials in a pocket and do your sketches en plein air. See review for a April 2017 Kickstarter Campaign.
- The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre (scoundrelandscamp.org) - review
The Scoundrel and Scamp thearter offers performances and acting classes.
- Tucson Figurative Art Studio (www.tucsonfigurativeartstudio.com)
The Tucson Figurate Art Studio offers classes on figure drawing.
- Women's Wilderness Writing Workshops (www.wilderwriters.com) - review
Women's Wilderness offers writing workshops for women. The review has a January 2018 kickstarter campaign for a workshop that will help women who have experienced sexual abuse.
- Kelsey Erickson (www.kelseyerickson.com) - review
Kelsey Erickson seeks to advance the circus arts with a training facility in Tucson. See the review for a Dec 2017 kickstarter campaign.
- Arizona University - School of Art (art.arizona.edu)
The Art School at the Arizona University promotes art in Southern Arizona.
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